Difference Between Tumblr V/s WordPress
Last updated on August 11th, 2021 at 06:18 am
No matter how sweet you are trying to make your online marketing venture, it all depends upon choosing the right kind of platform. In terms of planning and site architecture, Tumblr and WordPress, both could deliver pleasing results and easy to handle platform with lots of feel good factors. Yet, should you need to choose one among them, you might have been in a dramatic dilemma, as both of them are outstanding and could play pivotal role in terms of usability. While using any of the platforms among them, you could deliver your visitors a home-like-feel.
Nonetheless, as the visual representation of the site plays a key role behind the end result, should not you keep trying to improve your site? In such instances, if you need to take help from the professionals. Every time you have to make a change, would not have it been too costly and time consuming? In such circumstances, WordPress could help, as it delivers and outstanding platform for managing the site content and designs, and most probably, it set the trend of new-era content marketing and digital transformation years ago. While we are talking about the proven result driven digital strategies, both of them could help. Yet, you need to know about the facts inside out before starting to use. Here we are, going to explain all of the technical and non-technical matter of facts regarding those two, so you can choose the right kind of solution for you.
A brief about Tumblr
Tumblr. is a completely free social networking website and it allows the registered users to post their multimedia contents on the web. Social networking sites like Tumblr. are truly hard to come by. It lets the user establish their own blog or site and post their multimedia contents on to it. As it is simple as well as concise in nature. It is not as perfect as WordPress for posting the lengthy text-based posts. Tumblr. is also not good for posting an article; instead it is better for sending shorter messages to the reader.
This blogging platform should be termed as a microblogging one, as it is simple, aesthetic and charming. In terms of multimedia content posting, there might be a very few alternatives to Tumblr. Moreover, lots of Tumblr. bloggers are using this platform for featuring fashion, design and arts. Each blog in Tumblr. is considered to be a tumblelog. Bloggers of Tumblr. could easily customize their contents using various kinds of themes. Most of the themes are free, yet professional themes would cost a hefty price.
Although it is being widely used as a social media publishing site. It can also be used for addressing specific fan groups, cultures, businesses as well as social issues. The overall flexibility of this platform makes it also near-perfect for an ecommerce platform. As the dynamicity of the contents are vast ranging from plain posts and images to arts and designs. Ecommerce sites related to arts and designs could easily use the features of this enticing platform. The “like” and “share” buttons are easily accessible, as it is chiefly working as a social networking platform. In addition, it also consists of numerous business pages and the pages have easy to access follow button.
Although Tumblr. is near-perfect as a web developing platform, yet the most significant drawback lies in the domain name. The user will have to use a subdomain hosted in Tumblr. for using this platform. For this particular reason, we never recommend a large-scale business to host its site in the Tumblr. However, it could prove to be pivotal for the success of a small-scale business or brand.
A brief about WordPress
WordPress is exquisite in nature for its simplicity and dynamicity. There are very few things, which you cannot create or accomplish while using the WordPress platform. Even as a social networking platform, it could perform significantly well and produce decent result. In general, WordPress has to be installed in a server to make a site up and running. Nonetheless, the magic lies in the plugins and themes. Which extends its functionality significantly and allows it to be act as even a social networking site. In addition to that, it is also possible to use it as an excellent way to improve brand awareness and to convert leads into real businesses. WordPress.org sites perform significantly well in terms of SEO and better ranking. Yet, you need to have a little bit of technical knowledge to run a WordPress site.
Tumblr. VS WordPress

In terms of cost-effectiveness, Tumblr. should be ahead of WordPress, as Tumblr is completely free to use. Yet, when it comes to the features, you ought to admit that WordPress is miles ahead of Tumblr. In terms of customization, WordPress could deliver a virginally customized site, but Tumblr. Sites will be acting as a subdomain hosted in the Tumblr platform. This particular fact alone could reduce the magnitude of vigorousness of a brand or business.
Final Verdict
Tumblr and WordPress, act significantly well and produce decent results in a wide variety of verticals. Yet, we have already mentioned that the Tumblr. sites will not let you host your own domain. A subdomain for a large-scale business will definitely decrease the lucrativeness and appeal. That is why, it is never recommended for a large business or brand to go for a Tumblr. site. In addition, search engine optimization will suffer incredibly while the site being in Tumblr. If you are calling a spade a spade, Tumblr is not a perfect platform for product or business promotion in the long-runs. An individual domain name and hosting is highly significant for improving the impression. It also helps to improve the boldness of the brand, concreteness of the contents and robustness of the evolving aspects of any brand and business.